I’m planning early this year! Last year, I was really on top of kashering, but I wasn’t thrilled with how much we included Eitan in the seder. It’s really hard to have a meaningful seder for a 3 year old and a bunch of old people! This year, I’m splitting it up. We’ll have one kiddo seder before the actually holiday so we can play music etc. The adult seder will start after Eitan is asleep. My only concern is not having those few precious hours to prep before we light candles!
My mom, Rich, and I have already put together a kiddo Haggadah, which is primarily the order of the seder with a few songs. I will also tell the story of Pesach using the same materials I created two years ago. However, what I’m most proud of is the addition of stickers this year! As a mom, I have found that anything with stickers is an instant hit. Now each time we reach another part of the seder, the kiddos need to put a sticker on their Haggadah. Making the graphics was harder than I thought but I’m pleased with them. I cut them out and stuffed envelopes for each child with all the stickers they will need.

Here are some pictures of the setup. Don’t forget to have plenty of snacks! I had grapes, blueberries, and craisins this year. I’ve also done veggie platters with cucumbers, tomatoes, and peppers. If you eat kitnyot, I love having hummus on the table too.

Some notes on the table settings: everyone gets their own wine decanter and salt water cup. I realize this is a lot to store and only use one or two nights a year, but the seder is so much smoother. I always hated waiting for the wine bottle to come around and now, we don’t have to! I also give each child a timbrel to shake during Miriam’s song. This was a special addition this year from my mom, and they are so fun. Finally, I have mugs filled with warm water in an empty bowl for hand washing. Again, having several of these around the table just makes things easier! And that is a word I don’t use frequently in association with Passover.
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