I am a big fan of Purim. So big, in fact, that I always coordinate my mishloach manot theme with our costume theme. Unfortunately, now that my son has opinions, he gets two costumes – one for our family, and another for school. That means two different themes for mishloach manot. A pain, but I love it!
Last year he told me he wanted his school costume to be “a tree with red and blue leaves”. Ummmm, are you sure? I asked him several times, but his answer never changed. So, a tree it was!
I bought this Cricut pattern on Etsy and edited it so the leaf is only on one side. Much faster! I used red paper to go with his costume. I like to fill them with arts and craft supplies. Although you’re supposed to give food, I don’t love the idea of giving food to kids without their parents’ direct supervision. I also like giving gifts that eventually go away. Why does Eitan receive so many ugly rings in goody bags???
I bought custom mini pencils here, and had the very lovely shop owner engrave “Chag Purim Sameach” with leaves on them. I also had custom blue leaf crayons made at this wonderful shop. With some tree stickers from Amazon and a leaf note made on the Cricut, we were all set!

The hardest part was putting the boxes together. I eventually came with a system that involved glue and lot of mini clothespins. A bit too time consuming for my taste but using a box that didn’t involve plastic was a win!

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