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  • Arts & Crafts, Celebrations

    Eitan Turns One

    Eitan turned one this year! We had planned a big, space-themed party, but we ended up with an intimate Zoom affair with only grandparents, aunts/uncles, and cousin in attendance. I vacillated on…

  • Food

    Mishloach Manot 2020

    This year’s theme: babies! It took a bit of creative thinking and Rich’s help to put these together. I knew I had to have the candy baby pacifiers and some sort of…

  • Food

    Sweet Potato Cupcakes

    We have a lot of sweet potatoes – jars and jars. Why would I buy jarred sweet potatoes? For the babe of course! About 2 weeks later, I found an article stating…

  • Food

    Homemade Hot Chocolate

    My little baby is now four and half months old! Although I haven’t reported it here yet, we had several troubles with his eating early on. One of the saddest was that…

  • Food

    Chocolate Halva Bark

    This is my first post as a new mom. I’m currently writing this at 8pm. Rich has already gone to sleep while I take the first shift of the night (the easy…

  • Food

    Chocolate Cake

    I tried a variation on this recipe to create a chocolate orange cake which worked well. I wanted to use orange because I made my Moroccan meatball tagine for Shabbat and I…

  • Food

    Shalach Manot 2019

    For my shalach manot this year, I decided on an Israel theme. Partially, this is because we are celebrating one year of taking Hebrew lessons. It is also because I wanted an…

  • Food

    Double Chocolate Torte

    For me, Thanksgiving is all about fall fruits. I love apples, pears, pumpkin, sweet potato, squash… in every course, from soup through dessert. This year being the first Rich and I have…

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