Arts & Crafts, Celebrations, Food

Mishloach Manot 2021

I decided to go all out on mishloach manot this year, since it was one thing I could do during Covid to celebrate Purim. My mom found a Baby Yoda hat for Eitan months earlier, which inspired me and Rich to spend our evenings catching up on The Mandalorian. We enjoyed it so much that we decided it would not only be the theme of our costumes, but of our michloach manot this year!

The hardest thing was Rich’s helmet, which I suggested we purchase on Etsy for $90 (!) while Rich insisted on making it. In the end, it was the right decision, and he learned how to use a glue gun. My costume was easy; just a few temporary tattoos I ordered on Etsy. Besides the hat, Eitan just wore his sleeper. We thought it was very similar to Baby Yoda’s get-up!

Besides having to take our picture using two tables stacked on top of each other, the design was pretty easy. I ordered the Baby Yoda soap on Etsy. Eitan helped make and pack the Hamantashen, both of which ended up being much messier (but more fun!) than if I had done it myself. Rich designed the card and we had it printed on VistaPrint. I also made chocolate lightsabers using pretzels, metalable chocolate, natural food dye, and edible decorations! These easily got the best reviews.

Overall, even watching the Megillah reading by ourselves, it ended up being a pretty good Purim. Now we’re knee-deep in Pesach prep, and looking forward to saying L’Shana Haba’a B’Yirushalaim – and meaning it!

P.S. The controversy surrounding the actress who played Cara Dune hadn’t come out until after preparations were complete. Otherwise I would have rethought my costume choice.

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