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  • DIY

    All Systems Go

    In my most nasal Seinfeld impression, I have to ask: “what’s the deal with mini split thermostats?” Before the birth of our son, we decided that our 1948 house needed air conditioning.…

  • DIY

    Home Depot

    One of the last questions we received from our home’s previous owner before switching hands was whether or not we wanted to keep the old metal bench in the basement. Rich’s response,…

  • DIY

    The Clean Room

    The final piece has fallen into place. Late last month, Baird Brothers delivered two hundred pounds of wood to our front door. On top lay the behemoth 127 inch maple top destined for our…

  • DIY

    Chewie, We’re Home

    It’s been a long time coming. What began in the summer of 2016 as the first (major) project in our new home is finally complete. Log cabin turned modern living. Dirty cave turned…

  • DIY

    Studio 95

    Straight out of the forties – and then “renovated” in the era of disco – our one and only full bath left quite a few things to be desired. Contractors swooned over the…

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