I’m planning early this year! Last year, I was really on top of kashering, but I wasn’t thrilled with how much we included Eitan in the seder. It’s really hard to have…
Arts & Crafts
I have counted the omer in completion one time. It was back in 2016, the year Rich and I traveled with my parents to Israel. I thought that it would be super…
I think this may be the last year I get to choose the theme. I also think this may be the last year we have a small crowd. I tried to enjoy…
I saw some artwork and absolutely fell in love with the idea, but not the price. I also wanted the colors to be slightly different. Eitan has requested a blue room after…
It is so hard to plan an adult birthday party! Kids birthday parties are so easy and fun. Choose and theme and go to town! But what kind-of theme can you choose…
I’m posting this after Passover, which shows how crazy life has been. I so enjoyed designing these mishloach manot, however, that I wanted to be sure they were documented! I chose a…
Chanukah is about so much more than presents and food. This sermon, in particular, struck a chord with me this year as we navigate visiting Christian relatives with our impressionable two year…
I try to do a project with Eitan every once in a while. Primarily because his whole day shouldn’t revolve around truck-play. But also because if it did I would I think…
I made a lot of progress on our Sukkah last year, primarily because we replaced the brown tarps with custom-sewn white cloth walls (a gift from my parents). This year, I wanted…
I’ve been planning this tablescape for a long time. I wanted to do a honey theme, but nothing too obvious. Everyone on Pinterest is using this theme for children’s birthday parties, and…