So what do we do??? Nothing is open. It’s not a holiday for us. Covid continues to prevent our eating out, and the idea of going into Brookline to get kosher Chinese just did not appeal. In retrospect, it would have been much easier. But this year, my mom and I decided to cook Chinese food! It was great fun, and delicious. I made wonton soup and scallion pancakes. I also enjoyed setting up a little Chanukah centerpiece, since it was Chanukah that night as well.
I followed this recipe for the wontons, and my mom brought some of her frozen chicken stock (you can also just use boxed chicken stock). They were amazing!

This is the recipe I used for scallion pancakes. I’m still hoarding some in my freezer. Also, delicious. Although I think the ones in the restaurants are just as good.
My mom made chicken lo mein and beef with broccolli. We particularly enjoyed the latter, but you’ll have to ask her for the recipes!
Here’s my little tablescape. I really enjoyed putting it together and admired it while I ate!

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