Celebrations, Food

Mishloach Manot

Purim is one of my favorite holidays. I love the silliness combined with the serious aspect of tzedakah and gifts for friends. I also love to choose a theme and run it throughout our costumes and mishloach manot. This year I chose Frog and Toad by Arnold Lobel, one of my all time favorite children’s books. Unfortunately, it didn’t perfectly fit our family of three, so I dressed up as the snail who delivers the mail in one story. It was a bit confusing as a group, but I’m guessing most people thought I was a regular snail, which is fine!

Here is a shot from our pre-Purim photos in front of our new green screen. Even with Rich’s green pants, it worked well!

For the mishloach manot, I included gummy frogs and a kite sticky notepad (I had them make it in white) with a quote from another Frog and Toad story. I also added regular hamantashen – I couldn’t think of a way to make those Frog and Toad-esque! Rich did all the graphics.

Here is a close up of the front and back of the insert.

I decided to do an entirely different mishloach manot for Eitan’s friends at school. Although I suspected I would be the only one to do so, I wanted to show him the importance of this mitzvah. I chose a Pilim (elephant) theme, since that is his class name. I bought everything except the tags, which were quick and easy to make. The bags, stickers (similar), stamps, stamp pads, and crayons were all fun to shop for. It was difficult to not get anything made in China, but I think I managed! Eitan helped me put everything together, which was a great activity for us.

I did put a little joke into the tag, since Purim and Pilim in Hebrew are very similar words. Can you see it?

Purim was two days ago so now I get to start thinking about our theme for next year! Chag Sameach!

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