
Mishloach Manot

I’ve decided my Purim mishloach manot – gifts of food for friends and family – will be themed from now on. And this year’s theme is: bees! I recently read that bumblebees are on their way towards extinction, and I wanted to do one thing, however small, to spread the word.

I purchased yellow and white striped bags online and black grosgrain ribbon. Rich helped me design yellow and black tags, and then it was time to bake. I couldn’t find any honey filling recipes for hamantaschen, so I made the dough using honey. The filling was apricot, which at least looks like honey. This recipe, although good, was not nearly as awesome as my ever faithful hamantaschen recipe that I have used since college.

I then created hexagonal honey chocolate bombs, through some use of the Internet and my own ingenuity. You should know this is the first time I experienced chocolate seizing, which I later discovered is quite a difficult thing to do. You are forewarned: make sure your double boiler is completely dry. Basically, I melted milk chocolate and put a bit on the bottom of each compartment in an ice cube tray. It set in the freezer after 10 minutes. Then I added a dab of raw honey and covered that with more melted chocolate. Set in the fridge if you have the time, but the freezer works, too.

Finally, I put a honey straw in the bag and they were perfect!

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