• Food

    Hurray for Challah!

    I like to make my own challah and (BC*) I used to a lot. The problem was, it never really worked for me. The yeast kind-of bubbled in the warm water. The…

  • DIY

    All Systems Go

    In my most nasal Seinfeld impression, I have to ask: “what’s the deal with mini split thermostats?” Before the birth of our son, we decided that our 1948 house needed air conditioning.…

  • Arts & Crafts

    New Art for Eitan’s Room

    I saw some artwork and absolutely fell in love with the idea, but not the price. I also wanted the colors to be slightly different. Eitan has requested a blue room after…

  • Celebrations

    The Seder Table

    I can honestly say I don’t like setting the seder table. There’s just too much stuff and I forget something every year. One year it was roasting the beitzah, which was very…

  • Arts & Crafts, Celebrations, Food

    Purim 2022/5782

    I’m posting this after Passover, which shows how crazy life has been. I so enjoyed designing these mishloach manot, however, that I wanted to be sure they were documented! I chose a…

  • Food

    Maple Tartlets

    In September, I was already sick of apple desserts. This is not a good sign when you live in New England. Everyone is supposed to be picking, eating, baking, or canning apples…

  • Food

    Vegetable Feta Pie

    I love one pot meals. I love dairy meals, where I can get everything on PeaPod. I love puff pastry. I’ve been on the lookout for puff pastry recipes ever since I…