• Celebrations, Food

    Multitasking Shabbat Cooking

    I love winter Shabbatot. I love starting Shabbat by playing with Eitan and not cooking at the last minute. That is because I don’t have time to cook and everything has to…

  • Food


    I hate throwing away my lulav and etrog. It always seems so wasteful and sad. Almost an acknowledgement that fall is over and winter is coming. Of course, because the holidays are…

  • Arts & Crafts, Celebrations

    Sukkot 5792

    I made a lot of progress on our Sukkah last year, primarily because we replaced the brown tarps with custom-sewn white cloth walls (a gift from my parents). This year, I wanted…

  • Arts & Crafts, Celebrations, Food

    Rosh Hashanah Table

    I’ve been planning this tablescape for a long time. I wanted to do a honey theme, but nothing too obvious. Everyone on Pinterest is using this theme for children’s birthday parties, and…

  • Arts & Crafts, Celebrations, Food

    Shavuot 5781

    I never know what to do for Shavuot! Especially without a trip to synagogue, the only thing I could think of was cheesecake. I decided to challenge myself and think about the…

  • Arts & Crafts, Celebrations

    Eitan Turns Two

    I have been planning this one for a while. It’s what I thought about at night instead of politics or pandemics. Needless to say if you know our Eitani, it was a…